Work smarter with strategy
Are you thinking about ‘fixing’ your website? Building a new website? Marketing your business online? Doing more on social media? Looking for some PR?
If you’ve researched any of these things, you’ve probably noticed how many options, approaches and experts are available. Web designers, developers, copywriters, photographers, media creators, analysts, SEO, SEM, CRM, social media … it’s a long and technical list.
And none of these things operate in isolation. There’s crossovers, relationships and dependencies … it’s a little like an ecosystem operating in the digital landscape.
It’s no wonder that most people feel a little lost. Where to begin? What can I do myself? Is it all necessary? And (here comes that sinking feeling) ... how much is all this going to cost?
This is where a communication strategy can help
A clear plan, guided by your business goals, can ease the confusion and show the way forward. Priorities, timeframes and a realistic budget all become clear.
A communication strategy should start with a solid understanding of your business model, vision and points of difference. It then looks more closely at your brand and customers, problems and opportunities, and defines clear goals and actions. These actions can be prioritised and sequenced for maximum effectiveness.
Starting with a strategy makes sense
You’ll save time and get more for your money by:
staying focused on actions that help you achieve business goals
identifying any opportunities for big, easy wins
sequencing work to minimise redoing or reviewing previous work
creating a consistent, targeted approach across all of your communication efforts.
If you want to get from A to B in the smartest way possible, consider communication strategy to map your path through the digital landscape.
Jen York