Five secrets to finding your brand voice
So, you’re ready to build your new website or launch a new product or service? Hold tight. Before you get started, have you nailed down your brand voice?
Most people think of voice as it relates to sound. How we speak, sing, even shout our words. But when it comes to voice as it relates to your brand, it takes on a whole other meaning. Yes, your brand has a voice!
More than just words and phrases, your brand voice is the unique personality of your business. It informs all the elements of your communication, making your brand more cohesive.
It’s what helps your business stand out in a crowd and become trusted. It’s what speaks to your audience and woos them into becoming loyal customers.
So, what’s the key?
Authenticity. It doesn’t matter if your brand voice is funny, informative or authoritative. It just needs to be your own.
It’s no longer about pitching ‘the sale’. People are looking for brands they connect with on an emotional level. And they know when you’re not being genuine.
If you’re interested in finding your brand voice, here are some tips to get started:
Think of your brand as a person. Brainstorm three words that best describes them. Take a look at some examples:
Brand voice: Playful, innocent and honest
Brand voice: Celebrated, confident and accessible
Australia Post
Brand voice: Efficient, helpful and trustworthy
R.M. Williams
Brand voice: Proud, enduring and masterful
You can also try describing what your brand is not. Funny but not silly. Strong but not authoritative. Adventurous but not risky.
Understand your ideal audience. Talk to them and really get inside their heads. What do they care about? What are their challenges? What do the ultimately need from your brand?
When you know what matters to your audience, you can shape the delivery of your brand voice to make a real connection.
Consider how your audience likes to talk. Are they using formal language or more casual conversation? Are they high-performing professionals or salt-of-the-earth type people? Would slang, colloquialisms or swearing be appropriate?
Your brand voice should reflect the words, sentence structure and language that appeals to your audience.
Define your business values. Think about the reasons you went into business or joined your organisation. Which of these reasons matter to your audience?
When you get clear about what you stand for, your voice becomes stronger.
Look at competitor brands. Analyse what works and what doesn't and use this to find a way to differentiate. Even if you sell the exact same thing, you don’t want to sound identical to your top competitor. You want to demonstrate you have your own unique offering—your ‘special sauce’.
Spending time developing your brand voice is a sure way to connect your products and services with your audience. Once you embrace it, you’ll find that writing for your brand becomes easier, faster and more dynamic. To be honest, you’ll wonder how you ever wrote anything without it!